Monday, 13 April 2015

Too many forgotten days!

I’m a massive fan of TED ( Some of the featured talks are real life-changers and I was lucky enough to stumble across one this week that had a massive impact.

It reminded me of an uncomfortable moment a few years ago when the eldest of my three children was moments away from leaving home to go to university. The first of our offspring was flying the nest!!!

I suddenly found myself staring at her with a sense of growing panic – I remembered her being eight and there she was, a glowing 18 year old. How on earth had that happened so quickly and, more importantly, where I had been all that time?

Throughout all those years I may have been listening but was I hearing? I may have been watching but was I seeing? Sure, I’d been busy earning a living and all that goes with it but what had I missed?

I set my intention at that moment to be more ‘present’, mindful and aware for the sake of the children I still had at home. I’d like to think that I have succeeded in getting better, at least a little, at seeing and hearing.

But what else have I missed? How many events and magic moments are never registered; how many days and experiences forgotten completely?

I guess that as you get older, you become more aware of the finite nature of life. You become more conscious of wanting to make the most of the time you have and remember more of the good bits.

Cesar Kuriyama has clearly had a similar experience and in his superb TED talk - - he explains how he now takes one second of video each and every day to remind him of the day and help him focus on its highlights.

I decided to do the same, though with camera and iphone stills, rather than footage. It has been a revelation. I’ve discovered that this one daily image has immense power.

It gives me a sense of continuity, a feeling that I’m living a fuller life and a much greater awareness of time. I guess it makes me stop and think about what I’ve been doing, be more aware of people and places and appreciate the good bits more. Give it a try!

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