Friday, 18 December 2015

Are we sitting too comfortably?

Our biggest opportunities exist outside our own comfort zone.  It’s up to us to find the courage and self-belief to break out, grab them and grow.

As owners and managers of agencies we have a responsibility to enable our employees to do the same.

We need to make sure they feel supported, engaged and inspired enough to want to break out of their own comfort bubbles, reach out and grab those opportunities and in so doing, grow as people and professionals, and through that growth add value to the business.

The same of course, applies to us! We can only be better leaders and managers if we too are prepared to embrace change.

Easier said than done?

Engagement within the context of stakeholder alignment is clearly one of the biggest challenges facing agency owners. We all recognise that fully engaged staff who feel valued, empowered and supported are key to creating and maintaining an authentically sustainable business.

It’s not as simple as looking for the ‘right’ people with the ‘right’ skills. The right skillset is clearly essential but the real challenge is to bring together and unify that blend of passions, values and personalities that, with the right support, can enable individuals to be outstanding in everything they do.

Research shows that money is further down the list of criteria than we might think in people’s career aspirations. Important, yes but what ranks higher is feeling engaged and valued, and having the opportunity to make a difference, alongside enjoyment, challenge and social interaction.

At a recent Dale Carnegie event, it was revealed that a surprisingly low one in three of employed people in the UK today feel they are actively engaged in the workplace. The remaining two thirds feel either passively engaged, or not engaged at all. That’s quite a statistic.

It’s a fact too that 69% of workers interviewed would be prepared to move jobs for a pay rise of just 5%. If people are prepared to move for so little, relatively speaking, then clearly a lot of employers have a problem, one that goes well beyond the challenges of staff retention and continuity.

There are still too many agency employers paying lip service to engagement, as they do to values.

As agency managers and employers we need to make genuine, sustainable efforts to make our teams feel valued. The start of that process has to involve empathy and an in-depth appreciation of what our employees want and need, and what they have a right to expect from us. And it has to be genuine.

Rewards, training, clarity, empowerment and knowledge are all part of the rainbow of engagement but it starts with us, the owners and managers. Our teams have to believe in us as leaders. They have to see that we have passion, a sense of direction, ability and values. They also need to view us as effective role models and recognise our behaviours as reflecting genuine organisational integrity.

And that doesn’t just matter at director and owner level. The relationship employees have with their immediate line manager is even more critical. It’s not just what we do that’s important to the team, it's how we do it and the authenticity we exhibit.

The theory is sound and fairly simple. Making it happen and keeping it happening are anything but. We’ll have phases of everything aligning and working well and then, often imperceptibly we lose it. It happens.

The important thing is to know and believe that it’s the right way of doing business, to keep the aspiration alive prioritise and invest in communication with our employees. Let’s keep working at making it happen.


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